Tampa to Miami

Auto Transport can be a very tricky process even if it’s a short route like this one from Tampa to Orlando. Most companies you receive quotes from are Brokers just like we are but the difference is we get our rates from the carrier directly. This does a few things for your number one we get you right on trucks without waiting for a carrier to take Freight under the amount they want to get. This makes for better transport because the driver is getting what he is deserved. Most Brokers basically guess on the rate that you would go for rather than give you a rate that your car moved for or a rate that is current. This route from Tampa to Miami although short in the grand scheme of things can still cause trouble for you if not shipped with an approved carrier.

Auto Transport from Tampa to Miami is one of the more common routes Nationwide and definitely in the state of Florida. There are major auctions in each major city in this case Tampa to Miami. Therefore making a lot of transport between auction to dealer and vice versa. This puts you the customer in a good position to find a good carrier you just need to go with the right broker. If you’re up for it you can try to find the carrier yourself. The only problem when you do that is you don’t know how good that carrier is and we do. In 8 years of transporting cars, we know who and who not to use. If you’ve done your homework you’ve read the horror stories and believe me you do not want any of them.

Auto transports between Tampa to Miami generally take a day to 36 hours after pick up to be delivered. They usually go on Wedge-type trailers with nothing above or below your vehicle. They take three to four cars at a time generally pickups are within 24 hours of the vehicle being available.

Call today if you need help or more information arranging pickup of your vehicle from Tampa to Miami or vice versa. If you found this page and you’re not shipping from Tampa to Miami just know that we could help you Nationwide with any auto shipment. We also are affiliated with a worldwide Shipping Company that also ships household Goods.

The cost for a regular-size vehicle is around 350.00. It can come down to 250 each for 8-10 vehicles for dealers.

Try our Auto Shipping Process page for more info on how auto shipping works